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pablo picasso

Name:  Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso

Born: 25 October 1881

Died:  8 April 1973 (91 yrs)

Home Town:  Malaga, Spain

Style:  Cubism / Surrealism



Exhibited:  Tate Modern

Why I like him:  He saw the world differently.  I like the way he used different perspectives so powerfully.  It is not the style that I would naturally be drawn to, but it is good to appreciate different styles so that you can incorporate it into your own.




•From the age of 7, Picasso had formal artistic training from his father

•Co founded the cubist movement

•1937 he produced Guernica – Anti- war painting depicting the german bombing of Guernica

•His style did not suit the Nazi ideal of art so he did not exhibit during WWII.  During a search of his apartment an officer saw a photo of Guernica and was asked ‘did you do that?’ to which he responded ‘no, you did’

•Periods of work are often recognised as:  Blue, Rose, African-influenced, Cubism, Crystal, Neoclassical, Surrealism

•He also wrote poetry

•He became an international celebrity with his personal life as vibrant and challenging as his art

•He mostly painted from his imagination

•At the time of his death, he was in possession of most of his paintings and those of other painters such as Matisse

guernica 1937

This is one of Picasso's most famous paintings.  Regarded by many as the most moving and powerful anti-war paintings in history.  It was his response to the bombing in Guernica in 1937.

Picasso - Guernica.jpg

weeping woman 1937

Another iconic piece which was part of a series produced in response to the bombing of Guernica.  The lady in this particular painting was Dora Marr, who was Picasso's mistress.  More visible in this picture is how Picasso liked to use different views of the same subject within the same picture.

Picasso - weeping woman.jpg

dove of peace

After the devastation Picasso had witnessed in the Spanish Civil War, and the bombing of Guernica in the second world war, this drawing has come to symbolise peace to people around the world.  I love the sentiments and simplicity in this drawing which is so different to any of his previous work.

Picasso - dove of peace.jpg
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