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this week the world lost a great artist... and my inspiration

Mrs Stephanie Fairservice saw something in me that no-one else had done.  She encouraged me.  She introduced me to Bob Ross and I began to believe that I could achieve.  After painting many mountains, she told me to 'stop!' and try something different.  Digital couldn't be more different, and it quickly became my new mountain!  I now love trying new things out.   She encouraged me to try modelling... now, I'm a strong believer that you can't be good at everything, but I will keep trying!

Her nurturing way encouraged me to try out new things and build self-belief.  Even though she is gone, I will not stop trying to impress her.  She was my hero and I owe so much to her.  Thank you Mrs Fairservice.  Thank you for encouraging a talent that I never knew I had.  Your spirit will remain forever in the work I produce.  You'll always be there, and I am proud to have been one of your students.                        24 September 2022


Update 3 November 2022

I've just had the most amazing feedback from my new Head of Art.  He gave me top marks in my report which the teachers were advised not to do as we have only been there 5 weeks, but apparently, I'm excelling and producing some 'really impressive' work, so he had no choice.  It's the equivalent of an A*.  He is going to help me challenge myself even further.  I wish she was here.  I hope I am making her proud.

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the smile off screen

I love this picture.  You'd never know it, but I am actually laughing with Mrs Fairservice.  She never liked being in the lime light and I don't either, but to just know that I was laughing with her in this photo is a lovely memory to have :)



My teachers have always been my inspiration.  I am leaving my much loved school to move to Seniors in September, and what better way to commemorate my time at Aldwickbury School, than to present those who taught me with a little gift:  a little canvas portrait of themselves. 


There is an amazing team of staff at Aldwickbury who I have had the greatest pleasure of being around over the last 7 years.  I wish them all the very best and especially those who taught me.


This is a school that has inspired me, encouraged me and helped me grow into a confident young man.  This school is excellent in every way and I am so proud to have been even just a small part of it's history.



Mr P symes


This man is so inspirational.  I have only had the pleasure of knowing him for the last 12 months, but he has inspired me and helped grow my confidence.  He is the Headmaster at Aldwickbury.  He has encouraged me in public speaking (to new parents!  Eeek) and looked out for me when I didn't quite get an Art Scholarship.  He attends most sporting events and cheers us on unreservedly.  I particularly enjoy it when he gets involved with things that you wouldn't anticipate... I recently put up a tent for him in the grounds so that he could camp out with Year 5!


But not only does he encourage all the boys in so many different ways...  He gets involved.  How many Headmasters do you know, not only support the development of a rock band, but even turn up and rock out with them at Battle of The Bands with his band cap on?!  He is awesome.


Thank you Mr Symes for being an exceptional role model and encouraging me when things got tough.   I will never forget your first speech about Constable and the importance of kindness.

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Mr c Schanschieff

Deputy headmaster

This man has tirelessly run around finding my lost uniform including a Blazer!  He's always there to greet us with a warm smile, but secretly we're all very aware of his scary side!  I guess that is part of being a Deputy Head?!


Mr Schanschieff has organised an awesome leavers programme for all the Year 8's - we've visited backstage at Drury Lane, Parliament, we've been trekking, kayaking, ghyll scrambling and will be tackling Helvellyn and Striding Edge Walk.  I can't wait!

We've also had Prize Giving where I was awarded The Art Cup and the Brocket Cup of Service...  I was so happy!  We also played cricket against our parents...  So pleased, if a little remorseful (I have to say that, he might read it), that I managed to bowl my dad out too! 


He also organises some good chapel services and some outstanding talks around the world of work where we have learnt so much about the kinds of careers we could follow.


Thank you Mr Schanschieff for helping me grow and guiding me in better organisation!  I'm pleased I always remained in your good books! 



Miss z attzs

head of drama

You don't get this kind of energy and excitement from just anyone.  Miss Attzs is an absolute legend and has put up with me in her form for 4 years!  And, to my knowledge, she hasn't even complained about it!


She is the most phenomenal Drama Teacher who has directed some amazing school productions.  In lock-down she even inspired me to make an interesting sketch as Boris Johnson, Yoda and Mufasa!  She challenges me everyday to be confident in front of others and I challenge myself to meet her expectations... it is debatable if I achieve it, but I give it my all.  The highlight for me has to be the stage combat training.  It looked so real when we filmed it.

She also helped me to work hard to collect wheatsheaves and on my last day I was awarded with the Head's Full Colours Tie...  I was so proud, as I had worked so hard.  Thank you Miss Attzs, it meant the world to me!


Thank you Miss Attzs for your energy and constant smiles. I will continue to hear you in my ear as I integrate into my new school.



Mr W bacon

head of tpr

We all love Mr Bacon!  I was lucky enough to have him as my Year 3 Form Tutor and helped me settle into school life at Aldwickbury very quickly.


Don't be fooled by his stern exterior, he is firm but fair and actually really fun too!  There's not many teachers who will play ball after Leavers Day walking from the terrace to the car park and continued to play from his car!


Mr Bacon showed me how to rock climb and organises all the activity based trips.  I am about to go to the Lake District with him trekking, ghyll scrambling, kayaking, etc and I can't wait!


Thank you Mr Bacon for helping me to push myself just that little bit more and create belief in myself.

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mr m holbrook

head of uplands

Mr Holbrook was my Year 4 Form Tutor.  


He encouraged me to be more confident on the rugby and football pitches.  Although I absolutely love sport, I was a little hesitant in playing.  He taught me to just go for it! He taught me that even if you don't like the sport or you don't think that you are that good at the sport, you can still try it and see if that will change your mind.


During the time that Mr. Holbrook has taught me rugby, I have grown to love the sport and I was sad when I didn't have a match because I was so excited to play.


Thank you Mr Holbrook...  I'll remember to just go for it no matter what life throws at me.

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Mrs s fairservice

head of art

Well, it all started during lockdown when we were set a target of a still life drawing of household objects.  I had a candelabra, wine glass and bottle, and an old fashioned kettle.   The drawing was pretty good and Mrs Fairservice encouraged me to join the scholarship group.  Most lunchtimes I could be found in the Art Department and in year 8 I became the Art Monitor.  She then asked me to develop a portfolio of work.  She was utterly brilliant, giving me guidance as to how to make my work better.  Then she introduced me to Bob Ross.  I was taken with his style straight away and the ideal that I could make a painting so quickly by following his style.  The rest is history!  I didn't get my scholarship, but there is no way I'm stopping now!


Yesterday, I received the first ever Art pin for my blazer lapel.. I was so proud to not only receive it, but to have received the first ever Art pin...  THANK YOU!


Thank you Mrs Fairservice for your encouragement and vision of what I could do if I put my mind to it.  It has been the most fantastic journey, and you have been a wonderful coach.  I will keep in touch and promise to paint more than just mountains!

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Mr Eketone

head of english

I have absolutely loved learning English and how I can write in a better way.  In fact this website was inspired by a project that he set!


There is a great temptation here to introduce as many grammar errors that I can, but I wouldn't want to upset him!  Don't tell him, but I respect him too much to do that...  You see, he is another excellent teacher and with his encouragement I actually love English in a way that I didn't before.  I found myself enjoying (yes I said that) all of the entrance exams.  I also just love the way he enjoys playing video games and Warhammer and we can divert the lessons into talking about video games!


Thank you Mr Eketone for helping me with my comprehension.  It was so tough to start with, but you totally changed my view of English, I just hope I can continue to make you proud.



mrs h pendell

head of individual devmt & english teacher

Mrs Pendell taught me English in years 5 & 6.

She was a very forgiving teacher during the times of Covid-19 when perhaps I may have missed some deadlines.  Oohps!  I'm quite a perfectionist, which sometimes gets in the way of producing anything I'm happy with, so creative writing always took a while to do.


I believe she has taught me the very foundations of not only English, but also what Aldwickbury is all about.  Although that may seem like a small job for a school, she has lead me to develop manners and a better technique to use during revision or homework.


She also pulled me out of the 'Light Corridor'.  I had been put there when my pencil case ended up over a light fitting and then another (heavier) case was launched to get mine down.  Standing in shame in the corridor near the staff room seemed like a fitting penalty.  I'll admit, I was absolutely devastated and very remorseful.  When Mrs Pendell appeared, she couldn't quite believe I was there, and let me go early.  I loved her for that kindness.  I was at rock bottom and she was a shining light appearing from the staff room.


Thank you Mrs Pendell for supporting me and challenging my thinking.  Above all, thank you for your patience and kindness.




mr k hanratty

head of history

Mr. Hanratty is one of the most comedic teachers in our school using friendly and witty conversation as a way of entertaining us and keeping us focused in lessons.


To me, Mr. Hanratty is my very own Deputy Tutor.  This is because whenever I needed support or advice, he would be there with a friendly ear, understanding and great advice.  I really appreciated the time he gave me.


I was also fortunate enough to have him as my History Teacher.  I never knew History could be so exciting.  In lock-down I immersed myself in such things as the Darnley murder mystery, defeat of the Spanish Armada, Crime and Punishment and the introduction of the Metropolitan police.


Thank you Mr Hanratty for bringing History to life and making it so engaging.  I have enjoyed your humour and all of your advice.

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mr e panting

director of sport

Not only is Mr Panting an excellent Sportsman, but he knows how to engage us in sport.


I had a terrible time with contact Rugby.  We had been off the field for 2 years and when we returned, there was no contact.  So, when we went back to contact, I struggled to enjoy the sport and after getting hurt, just wanted to pull out.


Mr Panting encouraged me and I was put into the next team.  I came off the pitch, not wanting to ever miss another game.  But I didn't just enjoy Rugby, but also football, Cricket and swimming were particular favourites.  I also enjoyed climbing, water polo, kabaddi and tennis.


Thank you Mr Panting for your unwavering support and creating a love of sport in me.


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mrs e norriss

director of music

Mrs Norriss joined the school a year ago and I have moved from strength to strength ever since.


She truly believed in me.  I hadn't had that before.  I play drums and typically percussion is just not seen as particularly musical, or even a talent.  But she did.

I had created a rock band with a few friends and she gave us space to practice.  She also gave us a mentor in Mr Gambrell who gave us some great advice and invited us to apply for Battle of the Bands.  Although we didn't win, we were one of only 9 finalists and very proud of what we had achieved.  This wouldn't have happened without her belief in us.


I then found I was in percussion group and also supported the Year 2 and 6 performances.  This year we also formed part of the most prestigious time of year:  Prize Giving.  Music was actually bought into the tent and formed part of proceedings.  She has had a phenomenal impact on the school... and me.  She gave me the confidence to learn other instruments such as piano, bass and ukulele (which I took on the leavers trip!).  We now have a music badge which I proudly wear on my lapel and have been awarded wheatsheaves for all of my music exams.  This was not possible before, so she made it all worth while and the recognition felt fantastic.


She also bopped around to us playing at Battle of the Bands and Buckinghamshire's Fete.  


Thank you Mrs Norriss for your belief in me, the band, and for raising the profile of music (and in particular percussion) at school.

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mr j gilyead

ict & sportsteacher

Teaching at Aldwickbury School runs in the family for Mr Gilyead.  His father worked at Aldwickbury way before Mr Gilyead even joined.


Before the ICT lessons had started, I knew that they were going to be really fun and inclusive.  Mr Gilyead makes the lessons fun by teaching us the basics in the lessons and then expanding that knowledge into something greater in future lessons.  For example, I learnt how to code a game from the skills that I had been taught from him.


I am truly amazed with the amount of coding and scripting there is to do for simple games and how much needs to go into them. 


Whilst building this website, I used techniques that I had learnt from the ICT lessons and I embedded them into the website to make something amazing.


Thank you Mr Gilyead.  I am truly thankful for the work you have put in to teach us and I couldn't have built this website without you.  I will continue to put my skills to good use!

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mr t marshall

mfl teahcer

Mr Marshall has taught me French and a little bit of German and Spanish.  I enjoy languages, so will definitely be moving this forward at Seniors.


He is very strict (He's the one who discovered the pencil case incident!  Ooohps, sorry Mr Marshall.), but fun also... just don't ever upset him!


He also likes to suggest culinary delights for us to visit...  I can't wait to visit Flitwick Best Kebabs! 


Thank you Mr Marshall for teaching me how to confidently converse in other languages...  oh, and for the food suggestions!

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mr w du plessis

geography teahcer

Aldwickbury also runs through the DuPlessis family.  His son is one of the gappers and his wife is Head of Juniors.


I have enjoyed Geography hugely especially on the field trips and watching Richard Hammond's documentaries!


On family holidays, I was able to articulate the landscape and talked confidently about coastal erosion!  It was great to feel I had more knowledge than my older sisters!


Thank you Mr DuPlessis for the skills I have learnt with you.  Your lessons have been a pleasure to be a part of.



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Mrs v edwards

head of design technology

Well, who doesn't like working with and creating wonderful things in DT?!  I've made a clock, banana tree, marble run, stationery holder, which I lost :'(  and an awesome sweet dispenser!


She trusted me to work with some awesome equipment and helped me produce some great creations that I was proud to take home.


Thank you Mrs Edwards for helping me develop creatively and be proud of work I could produce.



mr brandt

maths teacher

Mr Brandt was my first maths teacher.


Again, teaching runs in the family with Mrs Brandt teaching the Juniors.


He taught me the foundation of maths, from which I have been able to build on and create a better understanding of harder equations.


Thank you Mr Brandt for organising such an amazing Leavers Trip!  It has been great to learn from you.

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mr j gibbins

pe teacher

Mr Gibbins is an awesome PE Teacher.  He introduced us into new fitness training as the Gym has been shut for the majority of the year as the new Gym was built.

He has been a genius in adapting our learning into a new setting.


As a young teacher, he is entirely relatable and has a refreshing view on teaching PE.  


I have enjoyed sessions on shuttle running, different fitness training, and the highly competitive competitions! 


Thank you Mr Gibbins for creating a new way of fitness training which I will certainly keep up moving forward.

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Mr H booth

latin teacher

This is not a photo of him....  I'm waiting for a good one!


Generating a love of Latin has to be down to the inspirational teacher that you have.  Mr Booth is that teacher.  I lost a love of Latin and he rejuvenated it when he joined the school.  He has been outstanding in every way and I have been encouraged to take up Latin at Secondary school.


The previous few years took me ages to learn a few words in Latin but when Mr. Booth joined, I had learnt loads of new words and declensions in the space of a few days. I am truly inspired by your way of teaching and moving forward in learning thank you.


Thank you Mr Booth, for rejuvenating my love of Latin.  Just think about what I could have missed out on!



Math Teacher


mr c mannall

maths teacher

This is not a photo of Mr Mannall... I'm awaiting a good one!


Maths has never really been my subject unless I was counting beats in a bar!  So, it takes a very special person to be able to convince me otherwise!  Mr Mannall has taught me that maths can be fun and I have an ability I didn't even know was there!


Here's to learning a bit more over the holidays before I start in Seniors.  It's not something I'd ever admit to, but actually when it makes sense I enjoy it and I intend to be in the best possible place as I transition into Seniors.


Thank you Mr Mannall for your patience and making maths enjoyable. I've had fun!





German Teacher
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