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our inspiration

We all get inspired by different people in our lives.  For me, Mrs Fairservice, my art teacher, who first spotted my work and encouraged me to try different methods.  I produced a portfolio based on the work of David Hockney focussing on paths through trees.  After visiting many of  the London Galleries, I discovered John Constable and we visited Suffolk to see where his masterpiece, The Hay Waine, was established.  I had a love of the Fighting Temeraire, and visited a JMW Turner exhibition.  But it was after I had been introduced to Bob Ross, that my painting developed into something even more special.  When you view my paintings, don't forget the first one (Hockney inspired) was painted when I was 11 years old, and the subsequent (Bob Ross inspired) were painted when I was 12.  There are many painters old and new that have an impact on the world around us.  The trick is to take the time to discover them....


Oh, and massive thanks to my mum.  Without her I wouldn't have discovered I had a talent.  COVID lockdown and home schooling  meant we had an opportunity to draw and  paint together.  She took me to many galleries and introduced me to a wide range of artists and inspiring places.  I'm still learning, but glad I have her by my side.  Thanks mum!

take time and enjoy

Every painter takes time to produce a thought provoking piece of art for you to view.  Take time to enjoy them.  Find out about them and learn something about them such as... why did Van Gogh produce 7 paintings of the Sunflowers, and yet only one (using one colour) is famous?  Why does the Fighting Temeraire appear as white and gold with full masts, when it is returning from battle?  Is that another hay waine in the background of the painting?  What torment lead to Van Gogh to cut off his ear?  Who is Banksy?!

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